Supernanny' has made a career of helping struggling families for six years, and now she's giving it all up to focus on herself. British TV star Jo Frost is hanging it up after one more season and hopes to have a family of her own, she told the New York Post.

"I have decided to hang up my cape," Frost said. "It was a very conscious decision, through much reflection. But I need to create more balance in my life."

Frost, 39, is abandoning not only an incredibly successful career but tens of millions of dollars. But something had to give: She's been living out of a suitcase for years, often for as many as 46 travel-heavy weeks each year.

"Proper balance will allow me to date and have a relationship and look at my own future of having a family," Frost said. "I am definitely excited about dating and being in a committed relationship. That is all exciting stuff for me around the corner."