After having children, Ricky Martin decided he couldn't live a lie any longer and decided to tell the world his biggest secret--he is gay. And in an interview with Oprah Winfrey airing tomorrow on her show, he confessed it wasn't easy.

"When I realized, okay, I just pressed send, whoo... I was alone," the international singer said to the talk show host (via PEOPLE.) "I was in my studio alone for a minute. My assistant walked in and I just started crying like a little baby. I started crying." Martin admits he felt "numb" but then relieved after sharing the news with the world.

Martin credits his 2-year-old twins born via surrogate with helping him realize he needed to be totally open about his sexuality.

"I couldn't take it anymore. It was too painful. But I guess the most important thing is my children... When I was holding them in my arms I was like, 'What, am I gonna teach them how to lie?' Whoa, that is my blessing right there. Then, when I was holding my children I said, 'Okay, it's time to tell the world.'"