Maybe I'm still living in a blissful state of teenage delusion, but I haven't given up hope that one day, my favorite 'Newlyweds' stars, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, will reunite.

My mom was quick to point out that if she were Vanessa Minnillo, Nick's current fiancée, she wouldn't appreciate some gossipy writer wishing for her man to get back with his ex-wife. Really, Vanessa, it's not that I have a problem with you. I just think that as cliché as it might be to say this, Nick and Jessica belong together.

Nick and Jessica were a perfect example of Hollywood love at its finest. She was the naturally pretty, wholesome pop star, and he was the buff, handsome boy band frontman. They met at the Hollywood Christmas Parade in 1998, and despite their seven-year age difference, it was love at first sight.

They had undeniable chemistry from the start, whether they were singing duets or hosting variety shows together. Jessica was notorious for for being a virgin, a fact that was widely discussed up until the night of her picture-perfect marriage to Nick, a very patient, non-virgin gentleman. Jessica's father later mortified us all when he said she'd waited until marriage to have sex, and "now she [could] sing about it until she's blue in the face!"