Fresh off the release of her debut album, 'Pink Friday,' Nicki Minaj is revealing her softer side in the upcoming MTV documentary 'My Time Now.'

The brash young rapper chokes back tears when recalling memories of being raised by her grandmother in Trinidad.

"A lot of times when you're from the islands, your parents will leave and then send for you because it's easier when they have established themselves, when they have a place to stay, when they have a job. I thought it was going to be for a few days, it turned into two years ... without my mother," Minaj remembers.

'My Time Now' follows Minaj over a period of three months, chronicling her life in and outside the studio. The documentary premieres on MTV Sunday, Nov. 28 at 10PM ET/PT. Watch a sneak peek of Nicki Minaj in 'My Time Now' after the jump!