Friday, August 27, 2010

Scandalous Miley Cyrus Turning Heads ... and Profits

Miley. Miley. Miley.

The 17-year-old star sent shock waves through Hollywood after the script for her upcoming film, 'LOL: Laughing Out Loud,' leaked online. In the film, Cyrus' character reportedly loses her virginity, smokes pot, gets wasted, kisses two girlfriends on the lips and flashes her va-jay-jay.

Okay, she "can't be tamed." We get it. Young women in Hollywood, including Hilary Duff, Dakota Fanning and Lindsay Lohan, have all taken turns showing the world they're all grown up. For Cyrus, the hits just keep on coming. The 'Hannah Montana' star cannot be a Disney girl forever, but she can't be totally oblivious about how her antics are turning heads and profits.

Cyrus has pole danced on an ice cream cart, posed nearly naked in Vanity Fair and kissed a girl (move over Katy Perry) during a live TV performance. We buried her "good girl" image a long time ago, so why do we care so much about her shocking antics? Perhaps its because she's done all of the above in the spotlight -- all before her 18th birthday.

The attention for 'LOL' has skyrocketed because we see Cyrus -- as herself -- not the character. Oh my gosh, what will Miley do next?! The leaked script (was it really an accident?) has created so much publicity for a film. But how will this affect the profits she's making from the young girls who look up to her but who won't be able to relate to this film? In a recent PopEater poll, 66 percent of readers thought this movie was an awful career move for Cyrus."Controversy alone doesn't always help at the box office," New York Daily News film critic Joe Neumaier tells PopEater. "I think Cyrus' worry ought to be whether the young girls who've followed her career for so long will care about a remake of a French film. She's not a draw for women over 25 or 30 -- the ones who'd presumably be the most interested -- and teens will only really appreciate the title. That doesn't mean 'LOL' will be DOA, but it does mean a few too many audience members will be asking, 'WTF?!'"
The Cyrus camp is pretty business savvy, though. Cyrus ranked No. 4 on Forbes magazine's list of the highest paid celebs under 30 thanks to the estimated $48 million she reportedly earned in 2009. Although 'Hannah Montana' made her famous, she's bringing home the Benjamins thanks to her tour and movie roles in both 'The Last Song' and 'Hannah Montana.'

'LOL' will likely succeed at the box office with everyone hoping to sneak a peak at Cyrus' "bad girl" side. Plus, as Neumaier points out, Cyrus' reputation won't be tarnished because respected actress Demi Moore plays her mother in the film.

"Miley will actually be part of a parade of sassy girls past and present here -- Demi Moore plays her mother, and Marlo Thomas, star of 'That Girl' in the '60s, will play Demi's mother. Three generations of cool chicks in one package ... sounds like Miley had a thought and realized that, at least on film, she needed advice from her elders. Which can only help: Julia Roberts did it in 'Steel Magnolias,' and Mandy Moore did it in 'Because I Said So.' Now, it's Miley's turn," the film critic adds.

You have to hand it to Miley -- even at 17, she's a pure business woman. People can criticize her all they want, but she knows what she's doing -- look how much money she makes.

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