Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On the same day Elin Nordegren's one and only interview about Tiger Woods' infidelity scandal hit the web, the famous golfer also opened up to the med

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On the same day Elin Nordegren's one and only interview about Tiger Woods' infidelity scandal hit the web, the famous golfer also opened up to the media about the end of his marriage, the sadness he feels and playing golf through the pain.

After wrapping up play at the Barclays tournament in Paramus, N.J., Woods spent 10 minutes answering questions from the press. reports that when asked about his ex-wife, Woods said, "I wish her the best in everything. You know, it's a sad time in our lives. And we're looking forward to -- in our lives and how we can help our kids the best way we possibly can. And that's the most important thing."

More excerpts from Woods' post-round press conference after the jump.

On if he felt relief after the divorce was final:
"I don't think that's the word. I think it's just more sadness. Because I don't think you ever -- you don't ever go into a marriage looking to get divorced. That's the thing. That's why it is sad."

On having any regrets:

"My actions certainly led us to this decision. And I've certainly made a lot of errors in my life, and that's something I'm going to have to live with."

On whether playing golf through the aftermath was harder than he anticipated:

"It was, certainly. Because being asked questions all the time, even after -- even as the tournaments are going I've been asked questions while we're playing. And that's always difficult. And especially when I'm trying to work on a few things, trying to find shots in order to get around the golf course, and to have to talk about other things."

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