Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Update: UCLA Doctors Recommend Shorter Rehab Stay
The UCLA doctors overseeing Lindsay Lohan's rehabilitation have recommended to Judge Elden Fox that the actress spend no more than 30 days at the treatment center, RadarOnline.comreports. Lohan was court ordered to complete a 90-day program after her release from jail earlier this month. She is currently in day 17.

The recommendation was one of several discussion points during a meeting Wednesday between Lohan's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley and district attorney Danette Meyers. The meeting took place in Judge Fox's chambers.

The next hearing to discuss the star's treatment is scheduled for August 25.

Lohan's legal woes began in June 2007, when she was taken into custody for suspicion of drunk driving and cocaine possession. Just a month earlier, she was arrested on another DUI charge.

Following her first DUI, Lohan spent 84 minutes in jail after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts of being under the influence of cocaine and no contest to two counts of driving with a blood-alcohol level above 0.08 percent and one count of reckless driving.

Lohan was sentenced on July 6 to 90 days in jail and a 90-day inpatient rehabilitation program for violating probation on an old DUI case. She only ended up serving 13 days due to good behavior and overcrowding at the jail.

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