Monday, August 23, 2010

Miley Cyrus Ditches Good Girl Image in New Film

Miley Cyrus can't be tamed and is ditching her Hannah Montana-persona for an edgy new role in the upcoming film, 'LOL: Laughing Out Loud.' Hollywood Life has seen the script and reports that Cyrus' character loses her virginity, smokes pot, gets wasted and kisses two girlfriends on the lips. Her character even accidentally shows her mom Ana, played by actress Demi Moore, her Brazilian wax. "You're my daughter, and I won't let you turn into a porn star!" Ana tells Lola.In an interview with MTV, Moore praised Cyrus' acting and professionalism.

"She's great, and I think that she is incredibly grounded," Moore said. "[Miley] is a true professional, and she truly has a wonderful family."

The film focuses on communication gap between Lola and her mother, due to the increasing use of YouTube, iTunes and Facebook. Lola's mom, Anne, "accidentally" reads her teenage daughter's racy journal and dicovers Lola's wild ways. The film will debut next year.

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