Lady Gaga told Vanity Fair that when she sleeps with someone, she fears they're going to take her creativity from her through her vagina.

She's also professed that she's quite content with celibacy, and she can mentally give herself an orgasm.

Her 'Monster Ball' tour has grossed nearly $200 million worldwide. She's the reigning queen of Twitter, having more followers than fellow pop star Britney Spears. And she's currently nominated for thirteen MTV VMAs. Needless to say, Gaga is an epic success. She's not some needy chick who compulsively has to be in a relationship.

So, what mortal man could ever capture the heart of the most bad-ass "free b***h" of all?

Luc Carl, of course, the handsome rocker spotted cozying up to Gaga at a recent KISS concert in New York.