Sunday, September 5, 2010

Kanye West: In Therapy on Twitter?

Every rapper has a lot to say, but as usual, Kanye West wants to outdo them all. Since yesterday, in the span of a couple hours, the Grammy winner led his Twitter followers down a winding road of musings -- and regrets -- posting dozens of tweets, many just minutes apart. Front and center in his thoughts: the anniversary of the night he highjacked Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 VMA's.

West not only apologized with an "I'm sorry Taylor" tweet, he empathized: "She had nothing to do with my issues with award shows. She had no idea what hit her. She's justa lil girl with dreams like the rest of us." He pointed fingers: "We're both artist(s) and the media and managers are trying to get between us. Everyone wants to capitalize off this is some way." He longed for closure: "I want to win...hearts back so I can continue to bring my take on culture to the masses."

He even made a peace offering: "I wrote a song for Taylor Swift that's so beautiful and I want her to have it. If she won't take it then I'll perform it for her."

And he opened his heart about a whole lot more.

"There are people who don't dislike me... they absolutely hate me!" tweeted West, who seemed particularly wounded by media coverage of his behavior: "Man I love Twitter... I've always been at the mercy of the press but no more...The media tried to demonize me....They wanted yall to believe I was a monster in real life so you guys wouldn't listen or buy my music anymore....I feel like they were waiting for the opportunity to go in all the way on me and when it came they beat me to a pulp," adding, "Even now a lot of articles start...about how much of an asshole I am."

His running theme was self-awareness ("It is distasteful to cut people off as a general rule....What's the point of dressing tastefully if I'm going to act the complete opposite?") and a plea for retribution ("I've hurt, I've bled, I've learned. I only want to do good. I am passionate I am human I am real....I wish I could talk to every hater face to face and change there a opinion of me one conversation at a time"). More tweets:

All eyes will be on the rapper when he performs at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday, Sept. 12. And all his Twitter followers will be wondering if he's finally gotten everything out of his system.

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