New Jersey, Atlanta, New York, O.C., D.C.... and now, Beverly Hills! On October 14, 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' will bring another group of feisty woman to the small screen. And the big question is: what should we expect from this new group of ladies?

PopEater asked new cast member Lisa Vanderpump to sum it up in one word. "Bling," she replies with a smile. "Naughty bling."

That's actually two words. But when you're as rich as she is, you're allowed an extra word. And truth be told, Vanderpump says the bling-factor will push the show in the world's most desirable zip code to a whole new level.

"Beverly Hills won't disappoint. There's a different level of lifestyle and sophistication here. No doubt about it," Vanderpump, who owns hip eateries Villa Blanca and Sur, says.

"Some of the houses [on display] are amazing. These are places people would normally never see inside," she says. "Normally these women are so private. It was actually sort of surprising to see the quality of women willing to open their lives and homes up."