Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Justin Timberlake: 'Don't Be Pissed Off I'm an Actor'

Justin Timberlake is tired of people thinking he's quitting music to focus on acting--so he sent a message to his fans through a song. While performing at the JT and Friends benefit concert he hosted in Las Vegas last weekend, Timberlake played an acoustic version of 'Over' by Drake. But he changed the words a little: "Don't be pissed off I'm an actor. It's not over. It's not over. It's not over. And when I come back, I'm gonna come harder."

In an issue of Entertainment Weekly last month, Timberlake alarmed his music fans when he alluded to taking a break from music to focus on his acting career. "Does a painter make a painting because he has to make it by December 21st? No, he doesn't. It happens when it pours out of him. That's how music is for me..." he told the magazine.

Timberlake is getting serious attention for his acting career after a breakout performance as Sean Parker in the critically-acclaimed film, 'The Social Network.' It was so good, PopEater even launched a campaign to get him nominated for an Oscar.

What do you think? Does JT mean it or will he stay in Hollywood for good?

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