Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome @ The Daily

Welcome @thedaily

We've been waiting for so long........
What to say?
It was only yesterday when they called us web jounalists; when they called our contributors web photographers, web stylists or web make up artists.....and we started in 2005 with the digital magazines.
Today, all the best jounalists, photographers, contributors around the world are excited and thrilled to work for a digital magazine like the Daily or even Project; at least they know they are going to work in the future.........
Well, let me tell you, since the very beginning, 2005, we've always been very proud to be web journalists and today we are even more.
We can be right or wrong but what is important to keep in mind is:
in every business, you are a good pro when you have respect for everyone standing in your same business. That makes you a great pro and a better person......
enjoy this digital world

Friday, January 28, 2011

H mag - feb 2011 released

Today a new era has born.
The new H mag has been released.
First of all we are changing the most part of the graphics including the H logo.
Second of all, we are changing the distribution.
We always use the ISSUU reader but we only publish our magazine on our servers.
We are not anymore listed in ISSUU and we are bringing all our readers, appx 2.8MLNs a month together on the same location.
And this is only the first step, the biggest changes still have to come.
Enjoy your issue and get you own copy.

Monday, January 24, 2011

iPAD - how can you live without it?

Seriously, at the beginning it was looking just like another trend form Apple. But then, if you ever tried one, you know what I mean.
The Apple's tablet is changing the way we work.
It's simply fantastic!
The monitor resolution is stunning and breathtaking.
Now, did you ever check a magazine on the iPAD? Well, we did it a few months ago for the first time and we are doing it now every day. No chance to get even close for any printed magazine in the world.
Well, if you get used to read magazines on your iPAD you will never go back.
The quality is incredible.
........that's the reason we are movin' forward.